Whistleblower Policy
Last Updated 01/09/2024
1. Introduction
This document outlines the reporting and whistleblowing channel and process established by ConnectHear. It aims to provide a clear, confidential, and secure mechanism for both internal and external stakeholders to report concerns related to violations of our safeguarding policies, including modern slavery, child protection, and the code of conduct.
2. Purpose
The purpose of this reporting and whistleblowing channel is to:
Enable employees, contractors, suppliers, and other stakeholders to raise concerns about unethical, illegal, or unsafe practices without fear of retaliation.
Ensure that all reports are treated confidentially, investigated promptly, and addressed appropriately.
Promote transparency and accountability within the organization and its supply chain.
3. Scope
This process applies to:
All employees, contractors, volunteers, and partners of ConnectHear.
External stakeholders, including suppliers, clients, and members of the public who may have concerns about the organization's practices.
4. Reporting Channels
Email Reporting:
Managed by: Arhum Ishtiaq
In-Person Reporting:
Stakeholders can report concerns directly to Arhum Ishtiaq and/or Azima Dhanjee or their line manager.
Office Location: FL 4/6, Block 5, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi 75300
Availability: 10AM to 6PM
5. Whistleblowing Process
1. Report Submission:
Stakeholders can submit reports through any of the available internal channels.
Reports should include detailed information about the concern, including dates, locations, individuals involved, and any supporting evidence.
Reports can be submitted anonymously; however, providing contact information can aid in the investigation.
2. Acknowledgment:
Upon receiving a report, Arhum Ishtiaq and/or Azima Dhanjee will acknowledge receipt within 72 hours.
The reporter will be informed about the process and expected timelines, if contact details are provided.
3. Investigation:
Arhum Ishtiaq and/or Azima Dhanjee, or an appointed investigator, will conduct a thorough and impartial investigation.
The investigation will be carried out confidentially to protect the identity of the reporter and any individuals involved.
The timeline for completing the investigation will vary depending on the complexity of the case but will typically be within 60 days.
4. Outcome and Action:
Upon completion of the investigation, appropriate actions will be taken based on the findings, which may include disciplinary measures, changes in procedures, or referral to law enforcement.
The reporter will be informed of the outcome, if appropriate and contact details are provided.
5. Confidentiality and Protection:
All reports and investigations will be treated with strict confidentiality.
Retaliation against anyone who reports a concern in good faith is prohibited and will result in disciplinary action.
The organization will take all necessary steps to protect the reporter from any negative consequences arising from their report.
6. Record Keeping:
All reports, investigations, and outcomes will be documented and securely stored by Arhum Ishtiaq and/or Azima Dhanjee.
Records will be retained in accordance with ConnectHear’s data protection and retention policies.
6. Implementation and Compliance
Internal Communication:
Training Sessions: All employees and contractors will receive training on the reporting and whistleblowing process during induction and regular refresher sessions.
Intranet/Employee Portal: Information about the reporting channels and process will be available on the organization's intranet or employee portal.
Regular Reminders: Periodic emails and notices will remind employees of the availability and importance of the reporting channels.
External Communication:
Supplier Contracts: All supplier contracts will include clauses on the availability of the reporting channels and the expectation to report any concerns.
Website: The reporting and whistleblowing process will be clearly outlined on the organization’s public website.
Project Communications: Information on how to report concerns will be included in communications with external stakeholders, such as newsletters, project updates, and client meetings.
The organization will conduct regular audits and reviews to ensure compliance with these policies.
Non-compliance will result in corrective actions, which may include termination of employment or contracts.
Review and Updates:
This policy will be reviewed annually or as required to ensure it remains relevant and effective.
Any updates to the policy will be communicated to all relevant parties.