Safeguarding Policy
Last Updated 01/09/2024
1. Introduction
This Safeguarding Policy document outlines our organization’s commitment to protecting individuals from harm, ensuring ethical conduct, and preventing modern slavery, child abuse, and misconduct within our operations and supply chain. This document serves as a guideline for all employees, contractors, partners, and suppliers.
2. Zero Tolerance Statement
Our organization has a Zero Tolerance policy towards bullying, harassment, and abuse in any form. Any reported incidents of such behavior will be investigated promptly, and appropriate actions will be taken, up to and including termination of employment or contract. We are committed to maintaining a safe and respectful environment for all individuals associated with our organization.
3. Modern Slavery Policy
To prevent, detect, and address any form of modern slavery, including forced labor, human trafficking, and exploitation, in all aspects of our operations and supply chain.
This policy applies to all employees, contractors, suppliers, and partners associated with our organization.
Policy Statement:
We are committed to operating free from modern slavery and will not tolerate any form of forced labor or human trafficking.
All contracts with suppliers and partners will include clauses requiring adherence to this policy.
Regular risk assessments will be conducted to identify and mitigate risks of modern slavery in our operations and supply chain.
Any suspicion of modern slavery must be reported immediately to the designated Arhum Ishtiaq and/or Azima Dhanjee.
Reporting and Investigation:
Employees, contractors, and suppliers must report any concerns related to modern slavery to Arhum Ishtiaq and/or Azima Dhanjee.
All reports will be investigated promptly and thoroughly, with appropriate actions taken in response to any findings.
4. Child Protection Policy
To protect children from abuse, exploitation, and harm in all activities associated with the organization.
This policy applies to all employees, contractors, volunteers, and partners who may interact with children through our projects.
Policy Statement:
We are committed to safeguarding the rights and wellbeing of all children involved in our activities.
All staff and partners working with children must undergo background checks and training on child protection.
Any activities involving children must be planned and executed with their safety as a priority.
Any suspicion or disclosure of child abuse must be reported to Arhum Ishtiaq and/or Azima Dhanjee immediately.
Guidelines for Staff and Partners:
Do not engage in any behavior that could be perceived as inappropriate or harmful to children.
Always work in pairs or groups when interacting with children.
Obtain informed consent from a parent or guardian before engaging a child in any activity.
Reporting and Investigation:
Any concerns or suspicions of child abuse must be reported immediately to Arhum Ishtiaq and/or Azima Dhanjee.
The organization will ensure that any reports are investigated sensitively and that appropriate measures are taken to protect the child and address the issue.
5. Code of Conduct
To establish clear expectations for ethical and professional behavior among all employees, contractors, partners, and suppliers.
This policy applies to everyone associated with the organization, including employees, contractors, partners, and suppliers.
Policy Statement:
All individuals must act with integrity, respect, and professionalism in all interactions and activities.
Discrimination, harassment, or exploitation of any kind is strictly prohibited.
Confidentiality must be maintained, and conflicts of interest must be disclosed.
All individuals must comply with the laws and regulations relevant to their activities and this organization.
Behavioral Expectations:
Treat all individuals with respect and dignity.
Avoid any actions that could be construed as unethical or unprofessional.
Report any breaches of this code to Arhum Ishtiaq and/or Azima Dhanjee or another appropriate authority.
Reporting and Investigation:
Any breaches of the Code of Conduct should be reported immediately.
The organization will investigate all reports and take appropriate disciplinary action as necessary.
6. Implementation and Compliance
Safeguarding Register: The organization will maintain a Safeguarding Register to record all reported incidents of bullying, harassment, abuse, or other safeguarding concerns. The register will be managed by Arhum Ishtiaq and Azima Dhanjee and will include details of the incident, actions taken, and the outcome of any investigations. This register will be reviewed regularly by senior management to ensure ongoing compliance with safeguarding policies.
All employees, contractors, and suppliers will undergo mandatory training on these policies upon induction and regularly thereafter.
The training will cover key aspects of modern slavery, child protection, and the Code of Conduct, including identification of risks and reporting procedures.
Training Plan
Staff Training
Audience: All employees, contractors, and key suppliers.
Frequency: Annually
Overview of Modern Slavery, Child Protection, and Code of Conduct Policies.
Identification of risks and red flags.
Reporting procedures and whistleblowing protections.
Case studies and scenario-based discussions.
Delivery: In-person workshop
Supply Chain Training
Audience: Key suppliers and subcontractors.
Frequency: Once upon onboarding
Explanation of organizational policies and expectations.
Identification of risks within supply chains.
Best practices for compliance and reporting.
Supplier-specific guidelines and responsibilities.
Delivery: Documentation
Timeline: Each supplier will be trained as and when onboarded.
The organization will conduct regular audits and reviews to ensure compliance with these policies.
Non-compliance will result in corrective actions, which may include termination of employment or contracts.
Review and Updates:
This policy will be reviewed annually or as required to ensure it remains relevant and effective.
Any updates to the policy will be communicated to all relevant parties.